Long Distance Energy Sessions

How beautiful to find a heart that loves you, without asking you for anything, but to be okay.” — Khalil Gibran

Long Distance Energy Sessions are offered to those who are not able to come to Right to Wellness for a personal hands-on treatment.  Energy work can be beneficial regardless of distance. Long distance healing energy is abundant and can be sent directly to anyone who desires to connect with this non-denominational energy. Long distance energy sessions are performed with a recipient’s consent.

Sessions are scheduled in advance at a mutually beneficial time and last up to 45 minutes. This time period allows for a energetic connection between the practitioner and willing recipient. In advance of the session a recipient will be emailed instructions for optimizing the experience.

Sessions are offered on a donation basis by using the button below. Please feel free to donate as you are called using our secure connection where you can conveniently use your credit card.

Why donation?  Donations allow us to continue to offer services to those who may benefit from assistance. It is also our belief that energy work is priceless and personal which allows individuals to donate a chosen monetary value in exchange for the energy session. Please feel free to help yourself and others by making a donation for Long Distance Energy Sessions.

Click on the link below to make a donation:


Click here for more information or to schedule a long distance energy session.
Disclaimer: We (Right to Wellness) are not a medical doctors, thus we do not diagnose, nor promise or claim to prevent, cure or treat illness of any kind. We do not assume any responsibility for any medical, health condition, life event or situation you now have or may have in the future. This website, as well as any healing “sessions” and email correspondence shared with you, are offered and accepted as exercises of freedom of speech and religion and are for educational and experimental purposes only. They may complement and support, but not substitute for treatment from a licensed health care professional.

Thank you! It was beautiful and I welcome it to continue to be with me.  It’s a beautiful energy. Lovely lovely lovely. Welcoming this and embracing this with love and appreciation…many blessings!

Long Distance Reiki receiver

I feel so relaxed. I felt pressure around my ears, nose, and throat, and the back of my head felt really heavy about halfway through. My hands and legs felt a little bubbly, and I noticed some pain in my back. It was really cool to feel the energy move differently throughout the session. I can still feel the energy, but now I mostly feel like I’m wrapped in a big weighted blanket. I know I will sleep well tonight. Thank you for a lovely Reiki session!
Long Distance Reiki receiver

You and your gifts are truly a blessing from God. Thank you for sharing. Your treatments are very powerful and very healing.

Reiki and Bioenergetic-shen receiver